Saturday, July 25, 2009

The beginning of something else

So up until this point my life lately has been all about Change. (Not Obama's "change")
Losing relationships, losing jobs, losing friends, losing my identity...
All very sad and life-altering things.
Just now I realized that I am done Changing for the moment.  I am now in the process of Living!  I really do feel that I am (somewhat) OK with being single.  I like that I am free to be myself and focus on myself for a little while.  I have a job starting in about a week that I am very excited about.  I really think I know who my friends are after all the smoke has cleared from recent uncalled for events.  And, finally, I am realizing how quirky I really am, and I am learning to love myself for it!  Sure, I don't know what I want to do for a career yet, but that will come in the future.  For now I can relax and go with an actual flow in my life.  I can finally just be.  At least for a moment.

I am incredibly thankful for my dear roommate, Natalie.
She watches out for me in such a way that I can't help but know I am loved.
She has gone above and beyond when she worried about me, and I cannot thank her enough.
She fills my life with so much joy and laughter.
She made the last year bearable.
I don't know how I could have managed without her across the hall.

My dear dear loves, Rachel and Kimberly.
Each of you has shown me the kind of friendship I always hoped I'd have.
When the roads got complicated and bumpy, you both stood by me and made it work.
Rachel, you always reminded me of how much you loved me, and that pushed me onward.
Kimberly, you kept me busy when I needed it, and let me cry when I needed it more than staying busy.  You held me and rocked me for an hour at my breaking point 6 months ago.
My love for you both is irreplaceable.  

Again, thank you all.
(long pause for a long phone conversation)

On a side note, I really like feeling like I'm needed.  Who doesn't, I know... but when a friend tells me that I'm helping them in some way, it really helps me with my own healing process.  For so long I was the one who needed fixing.  So much so that I was useless to my friends' benefits.  Helping a friend is helping me.

Two last blips:

1) I am finally going to conquer the Twilight series.

2) Everyone needs to watch the short series called Harper's Island.  (It's somewhat lame in the beginning, but once it picks up it does not stop for countless episodes).

Goodnight, all!
Or should I say good morning!?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Two posts in one day.

Sorry about posting twice, but I absolutely HAD to share my Harry Potter Experience!   I promise, there are no spoilers or anything, Rachel!  ;)

We arrived at the Rave at 11:30 only to find the nearest parking spot over by Hobby Lobby.  There were Harry Potters everywhere!  I love that!  Natalie and I, however, chose to go to the movie in pajamas.  We are quite brilliant.
Anywho, there were SO many people there.  I ran into two people I knew, as did Nat.  I got us Icees hoping the sugar would help us stay awake.
We sit down in the theater, and the energy was super!  Everyone's shockingly alive at midnight.  Out of no where, two AWESOME guys dressed as Harry and Ron zip past us down the stairs and go to the floor of the theater beneath the screen.  They whipped out their wands and started dueling!  They were yelling spells and seriously tumbling and twisting through the air like in the movies!  They were hilarious!  Got a TON of applause.  I want to be their best friend.  That moment made my night the best possible!!

The movie itself was beautiful.  Not what I expected, but that is a good thing!  It's so much better :)  Go see it.  Now.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Life is looking up!

Things are finally moving in my life, and I am so glad!

As it turns out, I DID get the job at Starbucks!  I am so thankful that they are giving me a shot!  I'm incredibly nervous, but I'm glad that I have some experience going into it.  It will be wonderful to have a paycheck again.  O gosh, yes!  I go in next Monday to meet with the Manager and go over stuff.  I'll be there for two hours.

Like I said recently, I have wonderful people in my life, and the past few weeks have brought back a few old friends.  I love adding different people into the mix.  Refreshing.

I am determined to lose weight and tone up.  I swear.  It will happen.  I am enjoying the workouts a lot more than I could have expected.  I feel accomplished.  That is always nice.


Harry freaking Potter comes out in 2 hours, and Natalie and I have tickets!  Yes, ma'am, we do!  It has been too long since one of these puppies came out.  I will be so sad when the last movie is released :(  No more new Potter anything.

My life is tragic hahaha  I'm such a lame-o.

Peace :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Could it be?

Could Hannah finally have a job?

I think it is HIGHLY possible!

Today, I went to an interview at Starbucks, and I am almost certain that I am hired.  I sure hope so, because I really have wanted to work there for years.  Two years ago, before I decided to attend Highlands Worship School, I applied at Starbucks and actually got a call-back for an interview.  Unfortunately (for them - ha!) I had just signed up for school.

I do love making drinks, and I know that I am good at it.  I am confident in my customer service skills.  And this may make me sound a tad dorko, but I am ALWAYS curious when I go to a new coffee shop as to how things are done there.  Seattle Drip, Cambridge Coffee (R.I.P.), O'Henrys, Primavera, Mate Factor, and the New Life Cafe in New Life Church (Colorado Springs, CO).  I even took pictures of the NLCafe and ordered a drink to see how their speed was looking!  HAHA

ANYWHO I am really praying that the Manager-who shall remain nameless-liked me :)  She was awesome!

Night-night :) :) :)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


I WAS only peeling on one shoulder.
See, on top of moisturizing with unscented, sensitive moisturizer that costs around $30 a bottle, I was also sleeping in a VERY soft sweatshirt that prevented my body from rubbing around all night.
OOOOOF COURSE the night I blog about my single peeling spot, I slip up and sleep in a rough short-sleeved t-shirt.  Woke up the next morning with flakey arms, chest, and other shoulder.  Classic Hannah.

Now if I could only get this darned fruit fly to GET OUT OF MY ROOM........

Sunday, July 5, 2009

There comes a moment in your life...

I have a beautiful matter what.
I have wonderful friends and mentors.
A supportive family.
A luxury apartment that I shouldn't afford.
Good health and I never go hungry.
A church that I love and I know loves me.
I have known love, and know I will find it again.
What blessings! 

You always hear that your life will change drastically from the years 21-26, and for some reason or another you think that your life is impervious to that kind of change.  Well, I am getting there.  I resisted for so long, but now is the time to EMBRACE that change!  Move with it, not against it!  

Yes, I am single.  And?  I can have fun whenever and with whomever I want.  (That is only partially true *wink*)  The greatest part is that I know that I will find someone who will love ma and understand why I am so weird, and he will love me for it!  I don't know who it is.  I wish I at least knew him already, but that's just too easy isn't it? lol



This weekend I got to travel down to the deep south with my "BESTIE!!" and roommate, Natalie!  

The trip down was hot and endless.
Once in Louisiana, we witnessed a BEAUTIFUL lightening storm.  Huge bolts stretching across the entire skyline at night.  Of course, in "quirky hannah" fashion, I had my camera resting on the dash snapping pictures.  I only got two decent pictures before we hit Baton Rouge, and I had to start paying attention to signs.  

Our first night there was wonderful.  We ate with Ryan's parents and brothers at IHOP at 11PM.  We hung out and watched Grease until 2 AM and went to bed.  Ryan's mom, Ms. Laura, had set up a BEAUTIFUL room for Natalie and me.  She even put chocolates on our pillows!

In the morning, Ms. Laura fixed home-made french toast and bacon.  O my word, that woman can COOK!  We set off for Ryan's Dad's fishing camp about 2.5 hours from BR.  SUCH a long car ride.  We listened to this hysterical, yet not-so-clean comedian, Daniel Tosh.  O my word.  So funny.  That night, as I was getting ready to finally fall asleep, I realized that the last people to sleep in our designated bed did NOT follow the cabin rules and wash the sheets.  Hair was everywhere in that bed.  I tried sleeping on top, but the AC was blasting arctic winds on me.  I slept on the couch both nights we were there, while Natalie toughed it out on top on the comforter! 

For the 4th of July we dragged our sleepy bodies on the boat at 7:30AM and rode an hour out to the ocean.  We went SO far.  The waves were too rough in the Gulf, so we went back behind the sandbars.  We fished for about 3 hours or so, and only caught 2 fish.  I got more sun though :).  That night we shot off fireworks and watched the neighbors very expensive fireworks displays.  Mr. Jim grilled the yummiest bbq chicken along with burgers and sausage.  Delish!

Today was nothing but driving, eating, driving, eating, and driving.  Ew.  This week will kick off major damage control!

On a totally random and weird note, It feels SOOOO good to satisfy an itch again!  For a week I did not scratch a single itch on my arms, shoulders, upper back, or neck.  I was trying so hard to keep my sunburn from peeling!  I moisturized 2-3 times a day with Aveda's All-Sensitive facial moisturizer for a week, and I'm only peeling in one tiny spot on one shoulder. YES!  I so win.


Love you all! <3