Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's A Wonderful Life

After I got off work tonight I really started re-analyzing my life.  I am in such a beautiful place right now.  I really think that people can see it.  I have never been this happy before.  Happy is not the word.  I believe this is real Joy!  I get to live with one of the most amazing girls I have ever known to exist.  I have true family in the Aldridge/Mann clan.  The Vickerys are yet another addition to my vast family, as well as the Bashtas.  The dust has settled in my life, and all that I was afraid of losing is actually more special and precious than it ever was!  I have GAINED so much more than I could have ever dreamed!
I am finding the funniest friendships at Starbucks.  There's Tracy, child of the night.  She has her quirks, but what a special woman she is!  I absolutely love that girl, even in her "bad" moments!  Then there are Kristie, Jesse, and Garrett!  What loons!  They constantly make me laugh!  Then there is Kelly.  What a crazy little pregnant lady!  She knows what she wants, and she gets things done!  I love getting to talk to her!  Ryan is absurd and hilarious.  Brantley is so chill and smooth.  What a ladies man!  All the ladies love him!  Ashley and I share a love for many of the same things, and I love talking to her!  Melanie is the craziest manager!  She's so spirited.  She gets me excited about work!

What I am trying to say is that my life is perfect.

Thank you to all who contribute!


Friday, September 18, 2009

Dream a little dream

It is my dream to one day look KILLER in this:

Party in the USA

. . . L i f e . i s . g r e a t . . .

I'm reconnecting with a few high school people I never really knew.

Heroes night / Game night is back!

The Office has returned.

I received a MUG Award from my manager :)

I purchased 14 tickets for the Midnight showing of New Moon.

I'm going to Andrew Bird with said high school people.

And I have the best roommate ever!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

For Kimberly

So, like I have said in the past, I do not update my blog for lack of reliable internet.

Tonight, Kimberly told me that I haven't updated, but made her voice curl in suspicion as if my lack of blogging was due to questionable activity.

So here I am.


I love my co-workers.  They are fantastic individuals, and I hope the relationships will become more than merely professional!

As it would happen, I have enjoyed waking up at 3:30 AM for the morning Starbucks shift. I'm good at getting up that early...

Also, It is fall, which means the Pumpkin Spice Latte, Pumpkin Scone, and Cream Cheese Pumpkin Muffins are back.  O, dear Lord, help me say "no!"

I have fallen in love with True Blood (HBO) and Dexter (Showtime).  I am learning that all TV shows on those types of channels are excellent.

Rachel and I have begun a new tradition of Twilight nights (hopefully) every week, where we watch Twilight, surf the internet for the latest cast gossip, and drool over the fact that she and Jon Ross and Robert Pattinson and I would have the most fantastic double dates!

One last thing: